Sunday, December 13, 2020

10 diseases can be prevented by eating a canoe(orange).

10 diseases can be prevented by eating a canoe(orange).

 Winter in the upper parts of Pakistan has already begun, and the cold has returned to Karachi. But, in this beautiful winter, how can you forget the unique seasonal fruit boat? Kayaking is rich in nutrients and is a treasure trove of vitamin C. It also has natural ingredients that can provide energy for your body and protect you from diseases. The boat contains fiber, protein, carbohydrates, vitamins A, B, C, thymine, potassium and phosphorus. These minerals help fight various diseases. We tell you what diseases can be prevented by eating a canoe.


orange pic

1) Helps blood pressure

Blood pressure is the biggest problem today. Eating seasonal fruits on a canoe is a very useful fruit for people with high blood pressure. According to experts, vitamin C thins the blood, restores blood flow, and eliminates high blood pressure.


2) Release of toxic substances

Medical experts recommend drinking a glass of cannabis juice every day to remove toxins and body waste.


3) Enhance immunity

Nowadays, the spread of coronavirus is very rapid, so you need to strengthen the immune system of this disease. Experts say that vitamin C can enhance and improve the human immune system. Kayaks are a treasure trove of vitamin C, so drink a glass of juice or canoe every day.



4) Prevent cancer

Kanoi contains antioxidants, which protect human cells and DNA from damage. Bowel cancer is also caused by cell and DNA damage.


5) Good for heart disease.

People with heart disease should take cannabis daily in their winter diet. The vitamin C present in marijuana protects the heart arteries from hardening, thereby protecting you from heart disease.


6) Good for skin and hair

As we all know, vitamin C is extremely beneficial to hair and skin. Kayaking helps keep hair hydrated.



7) Useful for pregnant women

Canoy not only contains vitamin C, but also folic acid and vitamin B, which are very important for pregnant women during pregnancy. However, folic acid deficiency can cause birth defects in babies.


8) Get rid of seasonal diseases

Since hemp is a seasonal fruit, it helps prevent all seasonal diseases. Today, all other servants have colds, fevers and coughs. Eat a canoe every day to protect yourself from these diseases.


9) Treat numbness of hands and feet.

According to a survey, experts say that canoe juice is very beneficial for elderly people who often have numb hands and feet.


10) Cause an increase in blood cells

Kanoy increases the production of red blood cells in the body, which leads to the production of new blood in the body. So drink its juice or eat like this.



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